When I was 18, I packed up my life in San Francisco and moved to Scotland to study graphic design. Up to that point, I only had experience in fine arts, and I couldn’t name a single graphic designer if my life depended on it. It turns out I ended up in a subject I love & I found my creative passion all over again in graphic design. I enjoy combining my love of illustration and fine arts with graphics, and I particularly enjoy book cover design and branding.

Outside of art & design, I spend my days walking around my neighborhood in pursuit of an ice-cold coffee and a good thrift store (bonus points if it has second-hand books). My favorite time of year is baseball season, Krukow and Kuiper were the soundtrack of my childhood and I’ve taken them with me to my adult life (go Giants). During summer, I am guaranteed to be alone, across some ocean or sea. I love to travel & do volunteer work wherever I go. Despite being an introvert, I find the most joy in meeting people from all over the world.

For my resume, please click here.